Das traurige Leben der Gloria S. hdfilme stream online

Das traurige Leben der Gloria S. hdfilme

Drama | Deutschland | 2011 | 75 min | HD |


Das traurige Leben der Gloria S. (2011) stream kostenlos online legal:

Charlotte is a moderately successful film director who wants to make a political film, and really dive deep into the lives of socially disadvantaged women. There she makes the search for a single parent Hartz IV recipient and meets Gloria S. Gloria is her dream cast, but she doesn't know that Gloria is a real actress. Everything goes smoothly until the whole hoax blows up ...

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Das traurige Leben der Gloria S.


75 min

Charlotte is a moderately successful film director who wants to make a political film, and really dive deep into the lives of socially disadvantaged ...

Land: Deutschland

Genre: Drama

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