Spy Sorge hdfilme stream online

Spy Sorge hdfilme

Krieg Historie Drama | United States | 2003 | 182 min | HD |


Spy Sorge (2003) stream kostenlos online legal:

A foreign spy using the Sorge alias is assigned to Tokyo the capital of Japan just prior to the outbreak of World War II and in the midst of the Japanese imperial ambitions in Eastern Asia. The spy becomes acquainted with a sympathetic communist who like he is attached to the ideals of freedom and rule of the masses. Sorge is able to feed the Soviet Union useful information regarding the Axis allies and their movements in Asia and beyond.

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Spy Sorge


182 min

A foreign spy using the Sorge alias is assigned to Tokyo the capital of Japan just prior to the outbreak of World War II and in the midst of the ...

Land: United States

Genre: Krieg Historie Drama

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Spy Sorge


182 min

A foreign spy using the Sorge alias is assigned to Tokyo the capital of Japan just prior to the outbreak of World War II and in the midst of the ...

Land: United States

Genre: Krieg Historie Drama

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